Sunday, March 28, 2010

Project Report, Week 10 – Editorial Incorporation

This week I came back from Spring break and took a look at my portfolio. Something wasn’t right. It just didn’t have the look I was looking for. I spent a good chunk of time playing with the location of elements and incorporating the suggestions of fellow students.

I finally came to a design that I am mostly satisfied with. I suspect the design may change slightly, especially as I find some nuances of this site in its conversion to HTML/CSS. It will take a little more work to get this into web form as it uses some transparency images that I’ll need to be sure work and line up in all modern browsers.

I’ve begun work splitting up the design and getting the current site modified to accommodate the new skin. This week I will need to focus on getting the HTML in line in IE, FireFox, and Safari. Once that is in line, I can really knock out getting the rest of my content squared away.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Project Report, Week 8 – Copyright and Fair Use

I’d like to focus my blog this week on the subject that we are discussing in the class boards: Copyright and Fair Use.

The project I am working on is a personal portfolio containing work that I have produced for myself, my personal businesses, and other people/businesses. I will need to be sure that any work I display that was created under commission is authorized to be displayed freely. Even though I may have created the design, I may not be at liberty to re-create that design from its actual owner.

This is a very interesting aspect of copyright law. It is along the same lines as a musical artist not owning the rights to their voice recordings and lyrics since they may have been commissioned and under contract to produce such recordings.

Along with ensuring my work is not blatantly infringing on any copyright issues, I will be continuing to develop and improve the design and content of my portfolio this week.